Career advice for you: How to write a resume if you're a senior-level candidate. Plus, how to be a top 1% employee.
Resume Worded

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Rohan here from Resume Worded — with another week of career strategy you won't find anywhere else. Spend 2 minutes & 42 seconds reading this and your career will be better off for it.

In today's email:

  • How to be a top 1% employee
  • How to write a senior-level or executive resume

💡 Level up your career

Every week, I'll write one weekly, bite-sized, practical career lesson you can use at all stages of your career.

Today's insight: The characteristics of top 1% employees 

I came across this infographic and I thought it was a great summary of what makes a top 1% employee — one that gets promoted or gets put on high profile projects. This is slightly more suited to mid-to-senior level employees, but even if you've just started out your career, take note so you know what to work towards.

Source: Lenny Rachitsky on Twitter

Here are three things that are common among top 1% employees and what you should focus on to get promoted:

🎯 Team's impact

Is your team consistently hitting important goals?  Is your team's scope growing? The longer you stay at a company and manage a team, the more your team's scope and responsibility should increase. 

📊  Your contributions

Are you adding value personally to your team in terms of technical or operational experience? Would your teammates be upset if you left?

🤝  Stakeholder regard

Have you worked with other departments and teams? Do other teams and senior employees have a positive opinion about you? Do the right people know who you are? This is critical to getting promoted at any company.

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🚀 Speed up your job search right now

The most helpful stuff from the web to help you hack your job search. My goal is to make sure you stop having to read this section of this email!

Today's topic: How to write an executive resume: a definitive guide

If you're a senior job seeker — or an executive — you'll find this especially useful. And if you're not, I'd recommend skimming through it anyway to see if there is anything you can apply to your own resume!

Hiring managers expect different things from senior-level candidates than they do from mid- or junior-level applicants. Here are three examples:

  • 🗣️  Highlight leadership and management experience: It's important to tell hiring managers about the teams you led or how many direct reports you have. 
  • 🧐  Leave off your graduation dates if they're 12+ years old to avoid age discrimination. Plus, leave off outdated software or skills (e.g. Windows XP).
  • 🧠  Use a resume summary to highlight your most relevant accomplishments. Unlike junior resumes which don't need a summary, senior-level resumes are longer than others so a summary helps contextualize your accomplishments and the roles you're looking for. 

Read the full guide here.

🎯  You should also use a tool like Score My Resume to check if your resume is effective enough — at any career level — including senior, mid and entry-level. You'll find out how your resume scores on 20+ key criteria hiring managers look for. Try it now.

Share this resource on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, or via email.

You should also make sure your resume has the right keywords that recruiters in your industry want to see. Use Targeted Resume to do this.
Want to grow your network and get more opportunities on LinkedIn? Optimize your profile using LinkedIn Review.
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Take care and see you next week,
- Rohan

P. S. If you're using Gmail and this email showed up in your Promotions tab, drag it to your Primary Inbox — so you don't miss the templates and strategies I'll send this month.

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To make sure your resume is optimized and is readable by resume screeners, upload it to Score My Resume for a free instant review.


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